Our Mission: Where we’re headed

A partnership of churches who willingly serve one another so that all will grow up into vibrant maturity and fruitful kingdom mission. Read this for an explanation of our name, e4 Partnership.

Our Purposes: Why we exist in partnership

For Mission

To see Christ’s reign expand in all those people and places to which God calls our churches as we collaborate together, pray for and with one another, and spur one another on.  We provide structures and financial support for church planting and other kingdom initiatives.

For Flourishing

To help our partner churches become faithful witnesses.  We do this through regular training, apostolic challenge and design, and regular assessment, all of which helps us to live our call, fulfill our mission, and glorify God.

For Care

To enable support, encouragement and accountability among the leadership teams of our member churches.  We expect relational connection and offer pastoral care and spiritual retreat.

For Covering

To stand with one another and/or intervene in times of legal, moral, theological, or philosophical crisis.

Our Values:  What we hold most dear

Word and Spirit Together

Committed to biblical authority, we foster robust theological dialogue, rooted in God’s breathed out Word.  At the same time, we welcome the still-speaking Spirit to direct, correct, and convict us prophetically.  The Word and Spirit are not in conflict. We hold fast to our core convictions and graciously appraise all else through careful study and honest discussion.


While affirming the autonomy of the local church through its elders, we recognize strength and wisdom in churches working together, relying on each other, and sharing resources.

Mutual Submission

We promote a culture of humility and mutual submission in our leadership team, in our corporate decision making, and in our relationships to one another.

Biblical Diversity

We recognize that diversity on all levels helps us to envision and embody the heart and image of God.  Therefore, we value and seek to promote an atmosphere that welcomes diversity in churches and peoples, under the Lordship of Christ: ethnically, culturally, economically, and socially.

View Theological Distinctives